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The Vereinov's vacation home


Square footage: 2,000 sq. ft
The Vereinov’s vacation home locates at Sapphire beach, New South Wales Australia. It was built in a contemporary design, using sustainable materials and an attention to the functionality of the space. The client is a modern well-to-do family unit, middle-age professional couple, two teenagers and  grandmother.
The main focus of the space was to provide a vacation home while creating a dynamic living space that could be enjoyed while vacationing. Through minimalistic design approach, the space itself reflects sophistication and calmness for a dream vacation home within reach. By utilizing shipping containers and several other sustainable elements, the house achieves a level of responsibility without sacrificing its design aesthetic. Some of the highlights of the house from an innovative standpoint are: tinted thermal glass to control temperature, natural window blinds, energy-efficient appliances and fixtures. The color palate was inspired by the beautiful Australian coastline, including beige, grey, and blue.  



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